what is shipping address

What Is a Shipping Address?


  • A shipping address is the specific address where a parcel is delivered, including recipient’s name, street, city, and contact details.
  • It’s typically the same as the delivery address and can be either residential or commercial.
  • A default shipping address is one pre-selected or saved for future use, making it easier when placing orders.
  • Most couriers don’t deliver to PO boxes, so a physical address is needed to ensure proper delivery.

A shipping address refers to the specific address where a product or parcel should be delivered. It includes all the information the courier needs to successfully deliver the parcel to its final destination, such as the recipient’s name, complete street address, and contact details.

We’ve prepared a series of articles covering the most commonly asked questions about shipping addresses to help you get ready to send your item.

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What information is included in a shipping address?

In most cases, the shipping address needs to include the following information:

  • Full name of the recipient
  • Apartment/building/house number
  • Street address
  • City or locality
  • Zip/postcode
  • State/province
  • Country

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Is shipping address the same as delivery address?

In short, yes. If you’re wondering what a shipping address is, it’s essentially the same thing as a delivery address, mailing address, or recipient address.

While there may be subtle differences depending on the context or specific terminology used, these terms all refer to the address where the parcel needs to be delivered.

It’s important to note that a shipping address, in its meaning, can refer to either a commercial or a residential address.

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What is default shipping address?

A default shipping address is an address that is pre-selected or saved in your account and is automatically used as the shipping destination when you place an order or have a parcel delivered.

When creating an account on an online store or website, you are typically asked to enter your shipping address, and you have the option to save a default shipping address for future orders.

Having a default shipping address can make the ordering process more convenient, as you don’t have to manually enter your shipping address for each order.

Which address do I use for shipping? Can I use a PO box?

Most courier companies require you to use a physical address as a shipping address and not a PO box. In this case, you should use your recipient’s home address or another physical address where the courier can deliver the item.

This will ensure that your parcels can be delivered to the correct location and minimise any delays or issues related to delivery.

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About shipping addresses in general

When shipping an item, the first task is to book the courier service and provide addresses for the pick-up and delivery. However, you may have specific requirements or concerns about the shipping address. The articles below are designed to help you through this process.

What happens if the shipping address is wrong?

Delivery issues often arise from errors in the shipping address, so it’s important to know what to do and whom to contact to resolve the problem. Errors in shipping addresses can happen for a variety of reasons, including typos, filling out incorrect information, or using the wrong postcode.

To help you deal with these situations, we’ll explore some of the most common scenarios below.

Ship your parcels to any address with Eurosender!

It takes less than 5 minutes to book a courier delivery service on our platform. We offer a fully door-to-door service to the shipping address of your choice. You can have your items delivered at an office, at home, or anywhere you wish!

Get an instant quote using the booking tool below!

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About the author

Marcel Nahtigal Avatar

Marcel Nahtigal is the Head of Marketing at Eurosender, blending creativity with data-driven strategies to revolutionize logistics.

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