Author: Marcel Nahtigal

I work for Eurosender.
Shipping sports equipment internationally

Shipping Sports Equipment Internationally. All you Need to Know.

TL;DR Thinking of shipping your sports equipment internationally? This is no longer a hassle. More and more people turn to ship services to send sports equipment abroad, whenever they travel. For passionate about sports and travel enthusiasts, we put together a few pieces of advice to help you decide if shipping sports equipment internationally instead…

courrier service

Uncollected Shipment. What are the Reasons?

TL;DR Reasons for an uncollected shipment Even though courier companies have generally a high success rate, occasionally things can go wrong. In the world of logistics, there are many situations that can lead to an uncollected shipment. If the courier didn’t turn out on the date that you selected for the pick-up your parcel, read…

what is expedited delivery

Why Was My Package Stopped In Transit?

TL;DR Whenever sending a parcel, make sure you have access to the appropriate tracking tools. Keeping an eye on your shipment will allow you not only to predict its delivery time but also to recognise any problems along the way. For example, when your package stopped in transit for too long. Read more about: Why…

choose between ocean freight and air freight

How to Choose Between Ocean Freight and Air Freight

TL;DR Logistics industry can be quite intricate, mostly when it comes to determining the right mode of transport and service to use. In this article, we concentrate on the freight transportation and we give you some basic guidelines to help you choose between ocean freight and air freight. If your businesses require the transportation of…

ESN Croatia

ESN Croatia

TL;DR As an international team, many of us have experienced Erasmus Programme firsthand. This may be the main reason why international student organisations have always been special to Eurosender, apart from the obvious – our mutual focus. Students taking part in international exchanges often need support not only in settling down in the foreign country,…

Eurail Group

Eurail Group G.I.E.

TL;DR Over the years, we have learnt that a successful collaboration is not only about financial perks, but more importantly, sharing similar values and complementing each other. That is precisely why we were more than happy to discuss the potential cooperation with Eurail Group G.I.E. Whenever deciding upon a partnership, there has to be a…

Undelivered package

Undelivered Package. What Will Courier Companies Do With It?

TL;DR First of all, what is an undelivered package? Any shipment which cannot be delivered to the destination due to different circumstances is considered undelivered. We have briefly mentioned them at the end of the article and covered the topic in another post. Generally, nonmailable packages are returned to the sender. But, if for any…

visit brussels

Visit Brussels

TL;DR Not much time to visit Brussels? Worry no more. Walking around the Belgian capital has never been easier. The centre of European culture and institutions has much more to offer than just excellent beers and chocolate. And thanks to our travel video, you can now discover things to do in Brussels without leaving your…

Housing anywhere Eurosender

Finding Accommodation – Housing Anywhere

TL;DR September is coming up and soon many of our fellow students will be embarking on their experiences abroad. These are exciting times, discovering new places and experiencing new things – what a time to be alive! But as most of you must have discovered by now, it does not come without any responsibilities. Moving…

Courier refused a parcel

Courier Refused to Collect the Parcel. Learn Why this Happens

TL;DR Have you ever encountered the situation when you were waiting at home for the courier driver, just for him to arrive and refuse the parcel? No matter if you are a regular or a one-time shipper, you might have already found yourself in a situation when the courier refused to collect the parcel. Most…