Alternatives to bubble wrap

Eco Alternatives to Bubble Wrap for Shipping


  • Paper Wrap is sturdy and eco-friendly; use enough to prevent movement.
  • Old Clothing can be repurposed for wrapping while ensuring contents are secure.
  • Shredded Paper allows you to reuse printed paper and is good for filling voids, not wrapping.
  • Paper Honeycomb is flexible and protective for fragile items; fill voids for added security.

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Climate change urges many companies and individuals to take different approaches toward a more sustainable environment. The logistics and shipping industries are contributors to the ongoing climate crisis. As such, many shippers and logistics companies are looking for greener solutions. This article will speak of the impact of packaging materials and how to ship without bubble wrap and instead use other eco alternatives.

There are countless eco alternatives to bubble wrap for shipping, and most of them you have already come across, but maybe you did not know how efficient they can be, or what they are best used for. Let’s look at the most commonly used alternatives to bubble wrap for shipping:

  • Paper (bubble) wrap – A great alternative to the classic plastic bubble wrap for shipping are paper wraps or kraft paper. These papers have creases and bumps that provide good protection for many items. It is important to note that if you decide to use paper wrap instead of bubble wrap, you need to add enough, so the products do not move inside the box. This is a great choice when shipping something smaller with lightweight.
  • Paper honeycomb – This packaging material resembles the standard plastic bubble wrap. Due to its cushioning, the honeycomb paper structure is another preferred option among shippers as it offers great protection. At the same time, it is flexible enough to wrap many items. The paper honeycomb is often used as the eco-alternative solution to bubble wrap for fragile items. Note: the rest of the void inside the package should anyway be filled with other materials to ensure no movement inside.
  • Old clothing – A great way to repurpose any old clothing and cloth materials! If you are sending packages as an individual, you may consider wrapping your items and some other clothes. In the end, you should ensure the content inside is not moving to avoid any unwanted scenarios.
  • Shredded paper – This is a great way to reuse some of the paper you have already printed on and no longer need. Instead of throwing it away, many people use shredding machines to cut the paper and reuse it to fill in the voids inside a package. This comes as a good alternative to packing peanuts. The shredded paper is not used to wrap the item itself, but instead to ensure no movement inside a package.
  • Corrugated bubble – Similarly to the shredded paper, the corrugated paper will fill out the voids inside a package. When shipping something fragile, it is probably better to use corrugated bubbles instead of shredded paper to fill the voids as it offers a sturdier environment for the packed items.

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Alternative bubble wrap shipping materials – Advantages and disadvantages

Plastic packaging is ideal for wrapping any product, and therefore, it has been around for many years. Known for its durability, lightweight and price, it is the preferred option among many producers and shippers. However, this comes at a great cost to the environment. Many countries are enforcing laws to limit the production and usage of plastic due to the high pollution. As such, companies and individuals are turning towards greener and eco-friendly alternatives to bubble wrap for shipping, such as paper substitutes. These alternatives to bubble wrap for shipping have their own advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages of using alternative materials to bubble wrap for shipping:

  • Great for the environment.
  • In most cases, 100% recyclable.
  • Due to some laws, it might be even a cheaper solution in some countries.
  • Good brand image for following sustainable values.

Disadvantages of using alternative bubble wrap shipping materials:

  • Paper or some other eco-alternatives to bubble wrap may be less durable.
  • It is still a costlier alternative unless you reuse some old materials and boxes.
  • It may not be durable in every weather condition.

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What to use instead of bubble wrap when moving

When you are moving, whether houses or offices, there are a lot of things that need good protection to ensure smooth transit. You may need to secure computers, lamps or other fragile materials, kitchen supplies and else, so purchasing bubble wrap to wrap every item may not be quite the sustainable solution. So, the question of how to ship without bubble wrap may not be a big surprise.

You can use all the eco-alternatives mentioned above to bubble wrap for shipping! All from old clothes, any cloth materials, paper, old paper boxes or shredded paper, the choice is yours! You just need to ensure that whatever you wrap your items with, they will not be able to move inside the package.

However, you should know that regardless of how well you pack your items, transportation is even more crucial when moving away. At Eurosender, we understand the need for safe transportation solutions, so we have found the best option for you! You can now book a dedicated van delivery to move all your belongings, and you can use any eco alternative to bubble wrap for shipping! Did we mention that this option is the most affordable moving option? Check it out!

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About the author

Marcel Nahtigal Avatar

Marcel Nahtigal is the Head of Marketing at Eurosender, blending creativity with data-driven strategies to revolutionize logistics.

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