
rail shipping vs road shipping

Rail shipping vs road shipping. Brief comparison.

TL;DR Rail shipping vs road shipping. Which one should you opt for? There are many things to consider before deciding which one is the right solution for your needs. The choice will mainly be affected by the budget, type of cargo, timeframe and the distance between the pick-up and delivery point. Jump to: We’ve put…

Consolidated shipping

Consolidated Shipment Delivery Meaning and Benefits

TL;DR Many retailers use the consolidated shipment delivery method to save on costs, packaging, improve the shipping quality and reduce the risks. Read what is the meaning of consolidated delivery and how can you use it for your business. Read more about: What is the meaning of consolidated shipment delivery? In the logistics industry, consolidated…

Stolen package from porch

Where to Report a Stolen Package from Apartment Building?

TL;DR The courier left the parcel on your doorstep, got stolen, and now you do not know how to proceed? Reporting the stolen package is the next step, and we are here to tell you to whom should you first turn to. Every courier company has different rules and procedures when it comes to reporting…

Wrong parcel

Dedicated shipping services

TL;DR Dedicated shipping courier service means that this service is custom-tailored and exclusively made and delivered for the specific requirements of the customer related to the date and time of pick-up and delivery. The best way to use the dedicated delivery is by booking our Van delivery Service. The vehicle is booked for your goods…

courrier service

Uncollected Shipment. What are the Reasons?

TL;DR Reasons for an uncollected shipment Even though courier companies have generally a high success rate, occasionally things can go wrong. In the world of logistics, there are many situations that can lead to an uncollected shipment. If the courier didn’t turn out on the date that you selected for the pick-up your parcel, read…