
What Happens if I Send a Letter Without a Postage Stamp ?

What Happens if I Send a Letter Without a Postage Stamp ?

TL;DR Post offices require postage stamps on letters to confirm payment for their services, so you do need stamps to send a letter. But what will happen if you send the letter without a postage stamp? Yes, you do need stamps to mail a letter both for domestic and international routes. The number of letter…

Logistica inversa

5 Reverse Logistics Examples | Importance of Reverse Logistics

TL;DR Many consider that the importance of reverse logistics lies within the complex processes of supply chain management. Eurosender is here to simplify it and explain what the reverse logistics process means with company examples. Reverse courier pickup and delivery mean that the goods are picked up from a specific location and go backwards in…

Volumetric weight

How to Calculate Volumetric Weight for Road, Air and Sea Freight

TL;DR Which one is heavier: 1 kg of cotton or 1 kg of iron? While common sense may tell you that they both weigh the same, a physicist will explain to you why 1kg of iron is heavier. As for us, in the logistics world, we will go for 1 kg of cotton and here…

trasporto multimodale

Unimodal, Multimodal and Intermodal Shipping Explained

When organising a shipment of goods, one can choose from several different routes and types of transport available. The best service can be evaluated according to the total costs, duration of transport, logistics efforts or environmental impact. Moreover, it is possible to use a single type of transport or to combine different modes of transport…


Updated Incoterms 2020: What are They and Why are They Important?

Anyone who has experience in the field of international freight shipping is probably already familiar with the different types of incoterms. But what are the updated incoterms for shipping in 2021? What are they used for? We have prepared this article with up to date information about the new incoterms valid from 202o, as well…

Esternalizzare la logistica

Setting up the Logistics Department for Startups and E-Commerce Businesses

TL;DR Even though we do not always notice or even rarely think of it, logistics is all around us. When we go to a store, we do not think how those goods got to the store, or what is the process that companies have to deal with, for us to have the final product in…

banana cargo shipment

Top 10 Most Shipped items in the world

Have you ever thought about how clothes you see in stores, new cars and even bananas get to you every day? Most items are nowadays shipped by sea freight not only because it is cheaper but also because this type of transport became much more reliable and faster as technology evolved. Take a look at…