Why Is the Recipient’s Name Important for the Shipping Label?


  • Shipping labels are essential for delivering parcels.
  • The recipient’s name is crucial for correct delivery.
  • Inform the notify party about successful delivery.
  • Specify company details for workplace deliveries.

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Shipping labels are rather crucial in the shipping process. Without them, the courier driver will not be able to deliver the parcel to its destination. But why is the name on the shipping label of the recipient such an essential factor in the shipping process?

When shipping, the courier, or a parcel broker, will ask you to enter details of your details like the sender, as well as, the consignee’s detailed information. Therefore, the delivery name will be the consignee’s name, or, the recipient’s name. Apart from the name of the recipient on the shipping label, information such as country, postal code, address, tracking number, package quantity and weight, etc., can be found.

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What is the difference between a consignee and a notify party?

  • The courier delivers the parcel to the consignee or the person whose name is written on the label, known as the receiver.
  • At times, you may need to specify on the label the name of the notify party, which is the person who needs to be informed once the parcel is successfully handed over to the consignee. The notified party could be the company which supplied the good, therefore the sender; it could be the consignee as well in case of a delay or, at times, if the parcel is confiscated.

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What is the difference between a sender and a consignor?

  • The very first person involved in the shipping process is the sender. A sender is the owner of the goods that need to be shipped. Sometimes, if the sender is a company, it can also be the supplier of the good. The sender also identifies as the shipper, as it is the one that organizes the shipping and arranges the pick-up.
  • If the sender is also the one handling the package to the courier at the pick-up, then we can define him as a consignor. The consignor will be the only legal owner and responsible for the package and its content until it is successfully delivered.

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If I am shipping to a company, which name should I write on the shipping label?

Deciding to have a parcel delivered to a company is not uncommon; this can be an advantage if the receiver of the package is rarely at his address. Whether the company is the consignee itself, or one decides to receive the package at his workplace, it is crucial to know how to fill out the label.

In the field “Consignee/Receiver” the name of the company should appear first: this will let the courier know he’s looking for an office or a public building rather than a private house. Right next to it, there should be the name and surname of the intended receiver of the shipment.

You don’t want the person at the reception desk to refuse the package because it is not among the ones the company was expecting. Having the name of the employee on it will certainly give a more unobstructed view of the situation. However, to avoid any misunderstanding, it’s better to inform the reception desk (or someone in charge of receiving packages in the company) of the expected delivery in advance.

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Keep in mind that it is necessary to verify whether the company policy allows private deliveries at its address. Some companies will not accept deliveries which are not business-related, so be sure to get more information before picking it as a delivery address.

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About the author

Marcel Nahtigal Avatar

Marcel Nahtigal is the Head of Marketing at Eurosender, blending creativity with data-driven strategies to revolutionize logistics.

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