Shipping sports equipment internationally

Shipping Sports Equipment Internationally. All you Need to Know.


  • Shipping sports equipment internationally is a popular choice due to lower costs compared to airlines.
  • Prices depend on weight and dimensions, so accurate measurements after packaging are essential.
  • Proper packaging is key to protecting sports equipment; use soft and durable materials.
  • Plan in advance to avoid delays, especially for vacations or competitions.

Thinking of shipping your sports equipment internationally? This is no longer a hassle. More and more people turn to ship services to send sports equipment abroad, whenever they travel.

For passionate about sports and travel enthusiasts, we put together a few pieces of advice to help you decide if shipping sports equipment internationally instead of carrying them along with you, will be a better option.

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Find a shipping company to send your sports equipment

Shipping sports equipment internationally has become a more popular choice for travellers. This happens thanks to the affordable rates, that most of the time “beat” the airline rates.

Most of the courier companies accommodate the service of shipping sports equipment internationally. So does Eurosender. Over the last few years, we have helped travellers, athletes and sportspeople alike to send their sports gear to another country. Whether you need to ship your sports equipment for leisure activities or for competitions, depending on the type of item, we will get you the best deal available on the market and save you the time of researching the best option.

Shipping sports equipment internationally

The price of shipping sports equipment

The price of shipping sports equipment generally depends on the weight and dimensions. This is why you want to make sure you provide accurate details to the courier company. Remember that you will need the final dimensions and weight so this means that you need to take the measurements only after your sports items are packaged.

Since the price is influenced by these 2 parameters, it might be a good idea to try to break down the equipment into smaller pieces. Items such as bikes have parts that can be dismantled and folded. Not only it will make the handling easier, but it might also reduce the price.

Boxing your sports equipment

The packaging is the most important step in shipping sports equipment internationally. Proper packaging will properly protect your sports items during the transit.

Choose the right packaging carefully and do not compromise on the amount of material used or the quality of it. Choose soft materials to protect against scratches and durable materials to fill in the space left inside the box.

Due to their irregular shape, it might be hard to make the item fit snug. A box big enough would be just perfect. You will only need to fill in all the empty spaces left after you slide the sports equipment inside.

Plan ahead to send your sports equipment abroad

For any chosen route, you will be given the estimated delivery time. Unless you choose “on-time guaranteed” service or expedite services, you will want to avoid any unpleasant situations due to delays.

If you’re planning a vacation or if you are getting ready for a competition just plan the international shipping of sports equipment in advance to make sure that your items will arrive just on time.

The big Don’ts are:

  1. Don’t choose the collection date only one day before your departure.
  2. Don’t organize the shipping of your sports equipment before checking the delivery plans & policies and understanding the type of shipping service you will turn to.

Shipping sports equipment internationally. Is this the right thing for you?

In order to decide, think of the fees applicable at the airport for sports items. Also, take into consideration the time you will spend at the checking counters. Then, about the hassle of carrying these items along with you.

Compare all these with the costs of shipping sports equipment internationally, as offered by Eurosender. Take also into account the door-to-door convenience.

This will be enough to help you make a decision and get you started with shipping sports equipment internationally.

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About the author

Marcel Nahtigal Avatar

Marcel Nahtigal is the Head of Marketing at Eurosender, blending creativity with data-driven strategies to revolutionize logistics.

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