ESN Croatia

ESN Croatia


  • ESN Croatia supports Erasmus students with mobility and self-development opportunities.
  • Partnership with Eurosender helps students with shipping needs during exchanges.
  • Eurosender and ESN Croatia share a common goal to make student life easier.
  • The partnership continues to grow, with future collaboration on upcoming projects.

As an international team, many of us have experienced Erasmus Programme firsthand. This may be the main reason why international student organisations have always been special to Eurosender, apart from the obvious – our mutual focus. Students taking part in international exchanges often need support not only in settling down in the foreign country, but also relocating easily. We are proud to have joined forces with ESN Croatia to make their transition as smooth as possible and let them enjoy the exchange to the fullest.

We asked the president of ESN Croatia, Petra Lang, to share some insights with us. And here’s what we discovered.

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Tell us about your experience with ESN Croatia. What is ESN in the first place?

Erasmus Student Network Croatia is an independent, non-profit, student, voluntary, apolitical, non-governmental, and non-religious entity governed by the principles of Erasmus Student Network AISBL. We advocate for the quality and quantity of mobility in the European Higher Education Area, spot obstacles and motivations for students to go abroad, try to detect solutions, and advocate in Europe to ensure that detrimental factors are reduced and favorable components are increased.

It’ll be my fourth year in ESN, and I still feel that this organization gives me plenty of opportunities for learning and self-development. This exact feeling and energy are the reasons why I continuously invest my free time in this organization. As a student of English and German Language and Literature, I use my volunteering experience in ESN to gain new skills, which allows me to broaden my horizons and make the most of my formal education.

This organisation gives me an opportunity to work on different positions and projects, which range from event and project management to human resource management and public relations. It is exactly this autonomous approach to tasks that encourages me to get creative while fulfilling my obligations and allows me to bring my own ideas to the organisation. My colleagues contribute to the working atmosphere because they are active young people that proactively and with loads of positivity take every challenge.  

This is my second mandate as the President of ESN Croatia and even though I’m not sure what this new year brings, I’m lucky to be surrounded with a beautiful and diverse team of people who are ready to be the change they want to see.

Tell us about your cooperation with Eurosender. Why did you decide to sign a partnership with us, and how has it been so far?

We are now entering the third year of very fruitful partnership with Eurosender. The partnership was established and officially presented to the public during our 4th National Platform in Osijek.

The partnership was signed because, both ESN and Eurosender had (and still have) the same vision – make the life of exchange students easier. We were the ones that were in everyday contact with exchange students in Croatia so we could evaluate their needs best. They needed a simple and fast way to ship packages to their home countries after having spent 6 or more months in a foreign country. That is where Eurosender stepped in because they had everything that we were looking for.

At that time, I was in charge of the national PR and supplied the local teams with the promotional materials, marketing campaigns and other important information. I continued to do so for the rest of my mandate. When I became the president of ESN Croatia, the partnership continued since the feedback from Erasmus students was more than great, and it still is today.

How do you see the future of ESN Croatia and the partnership with Eurosender?

During these last 3 years, the partnership had been growing more and more, along with ESN Croatia itself. Just a few months ago we held our national event called “Croatian Erasmus Event” on the island of Pag where we cooperated with Eurosender. We also won a prestigious award of STARland at this year’s Annual General Meeting in Germany among more than 40 countries in Europe, and Eurosender was a part of it too. As we are highly motivated, ambitious, young volunteers dedicated to our causes, we are very happy that Eurosender recognises that and we will eagerly work together on any future events.

After that many fruitful academic years behind us, we are certain that the years to come are going to be even better. We look forward to the future projects, and who knows, maybe you can benefit from our partnership as well? Get in touch!

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About the author

Marcel Nahtigal Avatar

Marcel Nahtigal is the Head of Marketing at Eurosender, blending creativity with data-driven strategies to revolutionize logistics.

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